How to maintain galvanized iron bucket

Only when the galvanized iron bucket is well maintained can the service life of the galvanized iron bucket be guaranteed, so how do we maintain the galvanized iron bucket?

Before using the galvanized iron bucket, you can apply some oil on it, such as peanut oil and lard. In this way, the grease will cover a protective film on the surface of the galvanized iron bucket and be able to withstand the chemical reaction of oxygen. If the galvanized iron bucket turns black after using for a period of time, do not scrub it with household steel wire, Don't use the detergent containing bleaching ingredients to clean it. Although it will restore the original brightness temporarily, you will destroy the protective film. Later, with the passage of time, it will become more and more dirty and your troubles will become more and more.

The correct way is to sprinkle detergent or decontamination powder on a soft cloth, dip it with a little water, then wipe it, then clean it with clean water, put it outdoors and dry it naturally. You can't put the galvanized iron bucket in a wet place without contacting the air. In this way, the galvanized iron bucket will be corroded due to moisture.


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