The urgent need to solve the problem of packaging barrels

There are many difficult problems in the packaging drum industry that need to be solved. The most important one is the pollution problem. Enterprises usually use fire to burn off the remaining resin in the barrels of resin steel drums, and then wash them with water. It is understood that in the past, these hazardous waste steel drums were recycled and refurbished at the roadside outside Baifeng Village under the relatively remote Shiniu Bridge. Since this place is close to the Oujiang River, a large amount of waste water produced by washing barrels is directly discharged into the Oujiang River, which affects the water quality of the Oujiang River. Sealed, banned, shut down the earth workshop. But for a while, the resin steel drums of many synthetic leather enterprises had no place to deal with, and they piled up like mountains, which not only wastes resources, but also pollutes the environment. In order to reduce the input cost of enterprises, save energy, reduce pollution, and turn blockage into sparse Feng) Drum Industry Co., Ltd. (the above-mentioned burning drum enterprise), which specializes in recycling and refurbishing resin steel drums, requires them to improve technology, improve environmental protection facilities, and pass environmental protection assessments. However, after the company started construction, due to high environmental protection requirements, the company's processing profit was low. Driven by interests, the company began to secretly operate illegally, secretly burning waste resin steel drums with open flames, and washing them with water.


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