Why can't gasoline be used in paint buckets?

A few days ago, the customer called the manufacturer to inquire about some matters related to the storage of things in the paint bucket, and what items cannot be used in the paint bucket? Gasoline is also very common in people's lives. When using paint buckets to store things, do not put gasoline in it. Why? Now, let me give you a detailed analysis of the knowledge about this issue.

We all know that gasoline is a Class A flammable liquid, in which its flash point is less than 28°C and the lower limit is less than 10%. In the process of filling, pouring or vibrating the gasoline in the paint barrel, the gasoline and the barrel wall of the paint barrel rub against each other, and the contact potential difference produces electron movement, resulting in the appearance of positive and negative charges, resulting in static electricity. Practice has proved that when a 125-liter paint bucket is filled with gasoline, when the gasoline is poured out, the gasoline may generate a potential of 2×10 3 volts or more when the flow rate is large and the flow rate is fast. When the accumulated charge reaches a certain voltage, it may discharge to generate electrostatic sparks, igniting gasoline or a mixture of gasoline and air, resulting in combustion or combustion. Therefore, for safety, do not use paint cans to fill gasoline. Gasoline is a flammable substance. When using a paint bucket to transport gasoline, the paint bucket is charged due to the friction between the gasoline and the wall of the bucket during transportation. Because plastic is an insulating material, the charge on the bucket is not easy to transfer, and discharge will occur when it accumulates to a certain extent. , produce sparks to ignite gasoline and cause an accident.

When using paint buckets to store things, you should pay special attention. You should read the instructions first to fully grasp this knowledge, otherwise there will be unnecessary troubles.


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